
The Memory Box: Soldier of Fortune- Part 2

    3 Years Later
    I’ve never worked a day in my life, thank god. At age 18 I bought my first lottery ticket at a small town convenient store. It was a small, piece of shit place at the end of main street. Cops and crack heads we’re usually there only customers, but since i lived across the street from it, I also chose it to be the place i did my business at; I won 21 million in cash. It gave me all the time in the world to do uncountable things in a single day. Life was great. And after i was released they told me to spend my time doing things i wanted to do; hoping that the “visions” of Edger would go away. They haven't come in awhile, but when they do, they’ll stay.
    My favorite past time became spending my day sitting on top of the ruff of my apartment complex; just to watch the city pass before my eyes. But this day was different. I started the past time like i normally day. I got a couple packs of my favorite smokes, a long chair, a bottle to sip, and some balloons to set free. I began by sitting out the chair a plopping my self into it. Then i proceeded on lighting a cigarette and then opened the bottle. I took a long hard swig of the hellish juice and sat it beside me. I then removed a balloon from it’s plastic bag and began to exhale smoke into it. It filled and filled till it was firm at touch. Then,after I tied the loose lips, i let it free to disappear as quickly as it had come to be.
    As the balloon rose higher and higher into the sky, the pressure of the air began to push against it’s soft latex skin. The red casing was the color of lava, boiling over the sides of a volcano. I sat and stared at the balloon until it disappeared from my sight. I thought of how maybe i could be that high. So i sat and i smoked my cigarette, and as i looked up into the sky, I thought to my self that maybe it had come back down; but all i saw was the clouds. Then, As if like the wind had taking me into the palm of it’s hand and lifted me from m chair, because all of a sudden i began to float away just like the balloon. As i became more and more elevated, my skin began to become the same lava red as the balloon that had disappeared into the stratosphere. I felt the pressure of the air around me and inside push against my skin, causing it to pull in opposite directions. It began to hurt and caused me to let out a loud screaming yelp that rang over the ruff tops; But know on could hear me. My skin began to tare, and i grabbed at myself to stop it from ripping me apart, but was met with defeat when the latex like skin that encased me tore. The air began to rush from my body and i began to fall, towards the screaming ground. I cold feel the cool breeze against my collapsed structure, and the hallow feeling of my body slashed at my very soul like a knife. Then right before i struck the ground i awoke in the chair, holding a red balloon. My eyes began to water as the thoughts of what i had seen ran through my mind on repay. Then, putting two and two together, I thought of the mouth of the river that appeared the time before. “Could something be wrong with me?” I thought. I began to weep and the tears began to fall like rain. And as the tears became worse, so did the rain and the wind that had cleverly began to turn around. I began to hear noises of the great blue, the crashing waters and the turning waves.
    "Come on sailor! Keep on rollin'." These where some of the words that were heard among the hollering that surrounded the air like a tornado. I could here my mates pushing and heaving ropes and pulleys. Nothing was working. I couldn't believe what i was seeing, a hurricane stopped right on top of us, a black hole of wind, rain, and madness. It had only been a year since my last accident, and i was once again fearing for the end. The doctors and my family told me i wasn't ready, but i said the hell with it and sailed out of the harbor. I had thoughts of how, during these hard times, i wished i had those doctors, for my men; and oh how I wished I had my family. And my wife who said not to go, how i wished i could hold her, touch her face, kiss here one time. She said she didn't want to be like the others, the ones who sit on the top of there houses like "crows", waiting for there husbands. She told me she wouldn't wait, she couldn't bare the suffering. How foolish i was to sail into the middle of the ocean. To find peace? I was finding death. I had lost 4 men already, and with 20 hands around, we couldn't suffer anymore losses.
    I decided that during the smooth sailing that i would head to me Caption's quarters, to collect my thoughts and maybe shut my eyes for 5 minuets. i rushed past the hand decks and holes in the deck to get there, not stopping for any questions or chit chat. i slid open the door and slammed it shut as if it had never been opened. i peered into the room that i had spent many hours in the passing days. There was a desk with a chair, i went to it and sat; it was soothing to my quivering bones. AS i pushed myself back into the stomach and i sat my feet upon my table. With my index finger and thumb i grabbed the brim of my hat, that had some how managed to stay on my head, and pulled it down across my eyes. It blocked the light of the boat and shut me off to myself. I started to slowly block out the sounds of waves crashing and hand flying from hear to there. A dream state took over my mind and body.
    All of a sudden i was standing in-front of what appeared to be a tomb stone. A ring of black around my sight distorted my vision, causing it took look like there was nothing around me for miles. I looked down at the tomb stone to see the name. As i began read the inscription I was jolted out of my sleep by a sharp ringing. I slowly made my way to the door, moving ever so softly. I unlocked the lock on the door that had been latched previously. Then a great wave of water began to push against my door and its frame. The ringing i heard before was a warning notice that my ship was sinking. The rest of the crew must of abandoned all hope, leaving me to go down with my ship. I began to push against the door because the water was filling my quarters. I thought of all the things that led me to this point; my wife, my love, my life. At that moment, with the vision of here face in my head, I took one last deep breath and screamed, "Good bye cruel world!"
    My hands left the door, slow motion is what i hoped for, like you see in the movies. As the door left my hands and passed by my body with one swift slam, the water burst through the the frame, pushing me to the floor. I began to struggle against the water, as the depth of the water rose and the top of the water touched the roof. My vision began to go at this point. It gets to dark to see at those depths, and my boat was indeed sinking. My memory also slips away at that moment. The pressure of the water sends your head into a spiraling head ache. The pain is unbearable, it causes you to pass out; and that's what i did. The dark depths of sleep grasped hold off me and i floated into the endless nothing.
    As i awoke, water burst out of my mouth like a tap, spilling on to the beach that i now lay on. how could this keep happening? I was suffering in horrible disasters, but i was living through all of them. It was a feeling that i had never felt before. I laid my head back on the beach and fell soundly to sleep. 

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