
    Chapter 1- Trash Men and Convenient Store Clerks “Tell me what i want to hear dirt bag! Don't make me beat it out of you!” He was very impatient, his fingers where tapping the metal table. This man was nervous, the sweat was dripping of his horn-rimmed-glasses. “What do you want to hear Officer?” I said with a glowing ton. I had dealt with his kind before. “Tell me EVERYTHING!” he screamed, slamming his hands onto the table. They where rough and rugged, it was from all the wear and tear from the years past. He had lived a long, eventful life. He was close to retirement, he was just looking for his last big break; me. “Everything?” I asked, looking strait into his eyes. Their grayish blue tint , reminded me of trash men and convenient store clerks. My eyes felt like they where cold and black, lifeless from all they had seen. “Everything!” he screamed once again. He slammed his tired body into a seat across from me. “I want you to start from the beginning, the very beginning,” he said, starting the tape recorder. I looked at him for a few seconds, my eyes meeting his. “Could i have a smoke first?” I asked, my eyes never leaving his. He lifted a pack of Marlboro Reds to my lips, i took one with my teeth. With my eyes still fixed upon him i taunted, “But I'm sorry, you're going have to pass the light to me. The chains seam to pull me down, and just can’t seam to pull my weak, little arms to it.” He was not amused. He lifted his hand to me , so that he could hand the lighter to me. And with my reply, I lifted my hand to his. He hesitated, “Now don't be scared sir, i'm not going to bite.” My eyes now felt piercing and red hot, like the fires of a million suns. This gave him chills, letting me know now that he had read my files. At that moment he grabbed my head and slammed it upon the table. It dealt a devastating blow to my nose, causing blood to spill from it. I held up my hand to stop the blood, using the sleep of my shirt as a clothe to wipe it. He sat back into his chair, his eyes starring me down. What he had just done was claimed his territory. My eyes where closed now. Tears where filling them. When your nose is broken, even though it is very painful, your eyes don’t water because you are crying, but because your eyes just simply water. It is one thing i never found out the reason to. Maybe I can find out before they lock me up for good. My eye lids then shot open, revealing the dead eyes once more. I looked into his dull, gray eyes and smiled. The blood had started by heart beat, it was now racing. “So,” I said, wiping the blood from my nose and sitting strait up into the chair. I could see that i was taller than him, this also maid him feel worrisome. “Could i have that light now,” i paused to sniff blood up into my nostrils, “or would you like to break my teeth next?” We starred, this time longer than before. Finally, he reached out his hand and gave me the lighter. I lit the cigaret and took a few drags. “The beginning?” I said, sitting back in my chair, “Why yes the beginning!” A smile came to my face, my eyes left his as the ember of my fag intranssed me. “The beginning!” Chapter 2- For the time is upon us I could here a frail voice speaking, but I was to far gone to understand. “Mr. Klemings!” The voice screamed, her words spewing like fire from a burning building. “Wake up!” I looked up from my crossed arms, looked her in the eyes, and smiled that ridicules smile. “Shut up,” I said; I was as calm as a dove. I hadn't been sleeping, i was getting ready. Her face dropped. Mouth agape. She pointed one finger to the door. “Get out.” Her voice was quite. Her chin quivered. Tears began to fill her eyes. I flipped the switch, 30 seconds to get out, or be your own victim. During the seconds of one through five I stood up, still looking her in the eyes. I pushed my chair in and left my backpack; its hidden contents sitting in its depths. I pushed my chair in to keep it hidden and walked away from my desk. During the seconds of six through fourteen i walked up to my teacher, took one last look at her, and smiled. I pushed the door open slowly. I stopped, looked back. During the seconds of fifteen and twenty i said, “But were should I go?” I smiled once again sheepishly. I have always loved rhetorical questions. During the seconds of twenty-one and twenty-five was the time where I left the classroom. I could here the silence of my shocked and oblivious teacher and classmates spread through my body. It was a new high to me. Then during seconds twenty-six and thirty i walked passed the wall that laid directly between my backpack and me. Then from right beside me i heard my childhood masterpiece erupt. A giant burst crushed the wall beside me and shot it past my head. I felt like someone had screamed there lungs out in my ear and my head began to burn like it was on fire. I reached up to find nothing. I looked back at my hand to see it covered in red: blood red. I slowly turned around to look at the deep black hole that stood beside me. My first kills; never accused. There where no witnesses, know one to pin it on me. This maid another smirk come to my blood covered face, i could feel the blood flow through my body, surrounding me with an orb of ecstasy. Chapter 3- In Cold Blood I could tell by the way his shirt was wrinkled that he wasn’t married. Then, as i scanned down his arm and to his hand, i could see that there was a tan line around his left ring finger; devorced. He dad taken off his jacket and now it was hanging on the back of his chair. He had taken his badge and gun off of his person and laid them next to his notes, with the gun closer to him; he was scared shitless. My smile haden’t left my face, even through the first story. I had paused to light another cigaret, and was lighting it as i studied him. Then i had an idea. “Sir, i’m sorry if this is a bad subject, but i have to ask.” i paused for a dramatic feel, twisting with his head, “How is your wife?” His eyes shot to my face as he thought over his next action: I new his reaction would be priceless. As he jumped the table, i senced that what he was doing now was just out of rage and anger; his hands rapped around my shoulders and throte. They tightened and i was wripped out of my chair; his strength had doubled from the agrenalin. He pulled me over the table, chains and all, and through me against the wall. “You dumb bastered, you don’t know a thing about me! I’ll fucking kill you! Right here, right now!” He pulled one hand back, the momentum was bulliding. I could feel the energy of his assult vibrating off of his body; I could feel the ecstacy that was about to hit him. His fist came down, with full force, like the hammer of Thor. It struck me between my mouth and left ear, strait into my cheek bone. I could feel the outside of my teath rip into the inside of my cheek, causing blood to flow down below between my gums and cheek. The blood spirted out as my face rolled with his punch; to my right shoulder. My neck cracked in a whip like motion and the right side of my face slammed against the wall, My head began to spin and my ears began to ring. My body, numb from the blow, slid down the wall and hit the floor; my chains clancked against the ground with a thud. He walked back to the table and grabbed his gun; he was planning to shot me in cold blood. As he swun his arm around to point the gun at me, the door swun open and two uniformed officers jumped into the room, grabbing the detective and his gun. I looked up and staired at him; blood dripped from my smiling mouth. The detective shruged off the officers and sat back in the chair. The two officer, one big one small, helped me back to my seat. They walked back to the door, shut it, and then locked it. My eyes that had never left him where now in a dead lock with his, i could see the anger that boiled in his eyes. He opened up a folder, took out a couple of photos, and proseeded to lay them out in front of me. I looked down at the photo’s, they were old, from many years past; My smile turned to a grin. “What do you think of these?” He said, sarcasm running through his voice. I looked back up at him, I began to study his face. I then gathered the blood in my mouth, and spat it upon the pictures. “They’re lovely,” I said, my grin had grown to an incredibul size. “Tell me about them,” he said. He spoke with anger, but his eyes said it all, he was terrified. Chapter 4- North of the Bridge She was a lonely girl, walking through the park on a cool breeze night, minding her own business. She was walking home from along hard days work up at the local super market. The city is a dangers place for young, beautiful woman now a days, it’ll bite their heads off and spit it out. She was my first kill since the killing of my classmates,and with her i would make my mark. She would allow me to have name among the people, they would know me as the six shot killer. It was my trade mark to shot the person six times; one in each leg, one in the heart, one in the head, one in the reproductive organs, and one through the palm of the victims hand. It was a remarkable sight, after it was all said and done. I followed her through the park and up over a bridge that lay in the middle of it. At the perfect timing i sprung my attack. I slowly walked up behind her and hit her on the head with the butt of my gun. It knocked her out cold, and she fell to the floor without a sound. know one heard, know one saw. At that moment i picked her up and put her in the wheel chair i had hiding. Then i brought her to my van that i had parking north of the bridge, about 3 miles from her house and the bride. It was a far walk, and a heavy push through the park. But after an hour or so i made it to the van. It was parked under a tree, hidden from everyone unless you where right next to it. Perfect place to hide a car, perfect place to load her in. As we got to the van, i look down upon the young woman who sat below me. She was very pale and her skin reflected off the moon light. The blood however cast a gruesome face upon her, making her seam more dead than pale. Her eyes where rolled back in her head and her mouth foamed at random moments of time. Every so often she would begin to twitch, as if she was going into convolutions. I locked the brakes that where on the tires; so that the chair wouldn't role down the hill. I looked around, checking for any watching witnesses; none where to be seen. I opened up the back door to my blue van that laid under the trees, inside laid handcuffs, ropes, knifes, chains, and anything else that would help me get someone into the van. i started her with the easiest of procedures, handcuffs. I took the handcuffs from the box and strapped them around her wrists. “Now i’m going to need your help to get you into the van,” i said to her, though i don't she could hear me. I lifted her out of her chair and sat her down on the edge, her legs dangled of the end like two hangmen; at least that is what they reminded me of. I then folded the wheel chair up, put it into the van and then put my full atention on the girl. “What is your name honey?” She heard what i sad and began to weep slightly, still dazed from the blow. “What is your fucking name bitch!?” a voice shouted out of me. These came once and awhile, since college. I got use to them many years ago; i simply explain them as “voices of rage.” The girl rolled her head slightly to the left so that she could see me. “Victoria,” she mumbled, then tears began to stream down her face, but still she staid silent. I blame the shock that she was suffering from, or maybe she had excepted what was happening, or she was in to it. i hoped for the third. It is so hard to find girls into this stuff, and i would hate to live a double life, a lie. I am who i am, an that a killer. I was trained to be one, so i shall not turn down my God given abilities. I grabbed the hand cuffs between the wrists and pulled her into the van. Thankfully she was light, and i was able to get her in one pull. She fell to the floor with know resistance. I looked down at her and realized that her head wound was allot worse than i thought, which answered my question; shock. I locked the hand cuffs into a chain that was locked to the floor. Then buckled her into the home made seat on the floor (essentially a bed with seat belts). I shut the door and we were on our way. I drove for a bit around town before stopping in another park halfway across town. I parked under another tree and unhooked Victoria. I put her back into the chair and pushed her over the hill. On the other side was a very small clearing big enough for one person. “Now Victoria, I need you to stand up and walk into the clearing, can you do that for me?” she instantly stood up and walked forward, as if in a hypnotized state. I pulled out my six shooter and putt the silencer on it. When she got into the clearing, she turned around as if to ask, “What next?” I Raised my gun and shot both of her legs; she fell to her knees. As I walked up to her, i knocked her to the ground and shot her in cunt. A squeal came out of her mouth, the first real sound she had made sense she told me her name; but once again she was quite. “How are you feeling Victoria, dose this hurt?” Another round, this time into her heart, She would be dead soon. I bent down and put the tip of the gun in the middle of her palm. I looked her into the eyes and smiled. “Why?” The first question she asked. I had to answer her, it was her last dieing wish. Maybe i have a heart, or maybe I just liked the sound of voice at the time. “It isn’t why, Victoria, It’s why not?” At that moment i blasted a round through her palm, then stood up and shot another round through her head. It was done. I dropped two coins, on her eyes, to pay her toll, then i walked away. My first masterpiece was done, and it was a simple one at that. I had planted the seed, and the world wouldn’t know it till the next morning, after the sun rose. Chapter 5- “I loved every minute off it,” I said, remembering it like it was yesterday; I closed my eyes and imagined it.“The way her blood smelt made me feel like i was making love for the first time. I wanted to run up to her a drink it all up; to fill my body with her heavenly neckter would make my heart skip a beet. Oh how i wish to re-live it over and over again. Bang... bang... bang... Ah exsticy.” As I opened my eyes, i looked into his again. 

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