
    Chapter 1- More or Less The 5 of us watched the clock intently as we wated for it to strike 12:30; lunch time. We waited all day for this joyess accation and where very ansy for it to come. We had been meeting at the same place for 10 years since the company opened up; all of us working since day 1. It was located in the front loby, near the fake palm threes and the painting of or poorly constructed building. There were white sofas and chairs that had been stained by the millions of ass’ that had sat upon them in the old days. The first to arive was Jane because she was not enploied by the company. She was married to James, and the boss’ daughter. She would sit on the couches from 12:00 to 12:30 waiting for James and us to get off; most of the time reading a book or setting up play date’s for their 3 kids. The next to arrive was James who, walked quickly up to her and gave her a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds and laid down a bold staitment that said that they where still happy. “Ok, break it up,” I said as i turned the corner of the hall; James and Jane in my view. As I gave Jane a hug, the elivater door opened and out stepped Charly and Ben. Ben had a giant smile on his face like a cogar on the prowl. Charly was pail as a ghost and was sweating from the heat he was praducing, his mind was clouded. “You ok?” I asked Charly as he walked uo to us, my hand lifting to his shoulder. “I’m just fine Kin,” he said, his voice was shaking. He flashed a half convincing smile at me and kept walking past. Chris was the last to show. He walked up to James, who was a bit heavy set, and said, “Hey big boy, got my $100?” They had appartly bet on a sporting event the night before, Chris being the winner. Ben pulled out his wallet and handed him the money, a clumsy smile came to his face, “Well lets eat,” Chris said as he flipped his jacket around his shoulder. As we stepped outside, the sun blinded us all instintaly and we had to take a moment come aquanted with the light. Then Charly looked at Ben, with tears in his eyes and told him he was sorry. He then began to run forward, dropping his briefcase and jacket to the ground, and into traffic where a city bus smashed into his leftside two lanes into the road. His body flew 30 feet forward as the bus stopped 10 feet from the spot of collition. His body hit the concreat with a horrific thud that ripped open his skin and head. Blood gushed from his wounds down to the drains that ran beneath the city. As we gazed into directly into Charly’s cold and black eyes, I felt a pit bulid inside of my stomach and then drop as if it was kicked of the edge of a tall cliff. The world around me seam to stop and tears came to my eyes like the rain falls from the sky. He had been talking about suicied for a couple of weeks, but we hoped he didn’t have the heart to do it. We tried to get him help, but he just didn’t want it. He was sick of the dead end job and misrible life that he lived, and was ready to get out as soon as possible. My head then shifted to the right of me, where my eyes met Ben’s; he was falling to his knees, as if in slow motion. A frightaning howl came from his throat as he slammed his fist to the ground, his anger was felt all around. Chris, Who stood beside him, stood in shock as he watched the blood run from Charly’s crushed body. Then a piercing scream came from behind me, and as i turned, i saw Jane’s hands move to her own mouth to stop the noise from coming out; but was not sicksesful. James, as if he was the only one who moved at normal speed, ran to Charly’s side and picked him up out of the road. He brought him to the side walk and placed him infront of me. He looked up at Chris and told him to call 911. Chris didn’t move, for he was still in shock. James grabbed up towards Chris’ face and got a fist of his collar; pulling him down to his level. “CALL FUCKING 911!” he screamed as he staired into Chris’ eyes. They bagan to shake from side to side as he came back and understood what James was saying. Chris opened his phone and dialed the number, but everyone new that he was gone. 

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