
Hello, My Name is Judas

    As Judas awoke, his hand moved across the soft fabric of his pillow case, causing the hair on his arm to stick up, like blades of grass poking out of the soil. His finger tips were thick and rough, covered in calluses as thick as the bark of a tree. They reached to find his thick, black horn rimmed glasses that sat on his red wood en-table. They were placed there the night before, next to the clock that he got at a yard sale. The electric alarm clock sat on that table for two years, making sure everyday that he was on time for his daily venturous. The numbers were red and bold. They flashed as the alarm sounded, the numbers stated 6:37 AM; time for work. He pushed the cloud like cotton blanket and the the sheets he had gotten for Christmas from his mother 3 years ago from his body, revealing his night time apparel. He was warring a simple, plain white t-shirt stained withe sweat of nightmares past. He wore boxers with blue stripes running vertically down towards his white thighs. His legs were covered in little hairs like the trees of a tropical rain-forest. His feet were covered with black ankle socks that came up to his ankles; his feet where very sore from the walking of previous days. As he put on his glasses, the light that was coming in through the window focused in his mind and it sent him into a stare. His eyes fixed upon the pack of cigarettes that lay on the en-table; previously cigarette and set the pack back down on the table. Then his hand moved to the right and located his lighter, which he used to light the smoke. He set it back down as he exhaled the smoke from his lungs; his chest falling in a downwards angle. He looked up and saw the smoke cut through the light like a knife; its patterns swirling in all directions. He brought the cigarette back up to his lips, and took a deep drag from it, the smoke filling his lungs and mouth. He closed his eyes and released the second drag, the smoke once again twirling in the air like a dancer. This process continued until the ember met the filter. Then Judas snubbed it out in the ash tray that also sat on the en-table. This was not his first ashtray, for he had many in the past, for he had been smoking for 30 years. He had shoplifted his first pack of cigarettes from his dads convenient store when he was eleven, he smoked every cigarette that day and never looked back.
    Then with a sudden push of strength, he strained his knees to lift his over wait body of the matres that laid riddled with long wrinkles and thick sweat stains. As he stood up, the blood rushed to his head, causing his eyes to darken. For a moment he stood in darkness and silence as he waited for it to pass. He was very dizzy, and had to press his hand against the wall that was beside him. As the darkness faded away, he brought his fingers to his eyes so that he could remove the crust that lay hidden in the corners like rats in a wall. Then, bringing his hand back to his side, he walked towards the bathroom that lay across the room from him. The room was small, it was enough to live. Judas didn’t own much, for he didn’t want much. A bed, an en-table, a lamp, and a clock sat in the north east corner of the room, beside the window that looked down on the street below; Walsh Street. In the lower east corner, about 10 feet from the foot of the bed, sat a small table that held his black and white TV that got 10 channels. In front of the table sat a chair made of oak, and next to that a small table with a second ash tray. In the south west corner was the door, that had another small table for the collection of change, car keys, and anything else that was small and used in everyday life. In the upper west corner laid the bathroom that Judas was now entering. It was a light blue bathroom with little blue tiles that covered the floor and crawled up the walls. The sink didn’t work, the toilet barley flushed, and the shower was only cold water. The closet laid inside the wall like a child in the womb. It held all his work cloths, exercise attire, and everyday jeans and t-shirts.
    After finishing his shower, he stepped out and dried himself with a damp, used towel. He then reached into his closet and roamed a pair of blue boxer briefs which he slipped on first like glove. He then rummage around in the wall and found an under shirt that was a half size to small, but didn’t crush the life out of him. He pulled it over his head and down towards his waist, covering the obese imperfections on his body. He then put his had into a see of black pants and pulled out the least faded, pulling them over the blue undergarments. Then with a quick crack, he pulled his belt out of his closet, and with a few minor mistakes, eventually got it around his waist and buckled it. He then reached for hismangled shoes that lay under his bed, he walked to the table that laid next to his door. his keys were placed in a bowl along with his wallet, watch, cell phone and change. He took all of these things and placed them in their selected places.
    He took a deep breath as he turned and looked at his ground zero of a room; and then released it. He then turned and unlocked the three locks that held his door shut; a dead bolt, a chain, and the lock on the handle. He then turned the copper handle clockwise and pulled open the door. On the other side of the entrance stood a man in a black suit and tie. With a quick spirit of speed, the man reached out his and pulled out a nine mm glock with a four inch silencer on it. He brought it up to his head; the barrel was cold and made Judas’ hair stand up on the back of his neck. Then with a quick intake of breath, the man lowly said in a harsh tone,
    “He never forgets.”
    The bullet of a nine mm glock escapes its chamber at 1100 feet per second

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