
Dreams and Lullabies- Part 6

    As others around Sam began to fall asleep, John on his lap and Joe beside him, he was wide awake. He couldn't take his eyes off of Paul, giving him a sort of insomniac state. As he stroked John’s hair, he thought about how he had met Paul on a late November night.
    Sam met Paul their freshmen year of college and they grew to be great friends. Paul accidentally bumped into Sam as he came down the library stairs. As Sam tumbled down the 150 steps, Paul caught him from behind and pulled him up to his chest. He helped Sam pick up his books, and then they began to talk. After going to a local cafe, Sam invited Paul to a party that he was holding for his significant other, Joe. At the party, Joe and Paul hit it off right away, becoming friends the instant they shook hands. Joe said that he had a friend who would be perfect for him, her name was Marilyn.
    As Marilyn and Paul became friends, they started to fall in love, which caused an immense amount of emotion between them. After Joe and Sam got married in Massachusetts , Paul and Marilyn, now head over heals for each other, sent the newly weds to Hawaii .
    As Sam thought of this very fond memory of Paul, he took Joe’s hand and began to weep; burying his head into Joe’s shoulder, waking him. Joe whispered sweet words into Sam’s ear to comfort him. Not doing the job, he sung softly into his ear. Joe had the voice of an angel, and could touch the very core of all those who where hurting.
    He picked one of Sam’s favorite numbers and began to sing, “Baby mine, don't you cry, Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine. Little one when you play, don't you mind what you say. Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine,” Joe sang this until Sam eventually fell asleep on Joe’s shoulder, and every thing was peaceful. 

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