
Dreams and Lullabies- Part 5

    As the car smashed into Marilyn, she let out a high pitch scream that would make glass shatter like sugar. Her skin burst into a dust cloud and began to blow in the wind, disappearing into the distance. Her clothes began to rip in the wind, caught on the protruding sides of the speeding vehicle; it didn't slow to a stop.
    Paul’s tear drops began to fall like the rain in the spring time, trickling and splashing onto the ground. The pain in his chest and stomach was so sharp that it stopped his involuntary walking and dropped him to his knees. He shouted profanities and insults at the far off vehicle and into the wind as he smashed his fist upon the ground. The indents that his fist made were like two craters on the surface of the moon, getting deeper and deeper as his body began to slowly lower into the earth. His fist became red hot and blistered, for all his power and energy began to rip through his skin.
    By the time his hands were on fire, he had created craters big enough to build a pond in, and that is what happened for the rain began to pound upon his spine. The rain fell so fast that it filled the craters as his fists continually struck the ground: His screams were so loud that they roared louder than the thunder that fled across the sky. His fist created sparks brighter than the lightning that fell from the sky and his mind began to race, causing the very winds above him to shift and turn into cyclones. As the pain and rage came to full velocity, he reared his head towards the sky and screamed so long that it bared his soul, causing ever molecule in his body to scream and turn and twirl.
    Then the voice of what seamed to be of a higher being fell from the heavens upon his ears, “I’m sorry my son,” the voice was full of emotion and confusion. “I let you down; I didn't show you the love that you deserved. I take the full blame for all that has happened to you, and I promise that I will be here with you until the end.” A few more rain drops began to fall, these bigger than the ones from before, as the voice sobbed. “Remem…” as the voice choked up, it cleared its throat and began again. “Remember when you asked me if I ever cried, if I ever got teary eyed at all? Probably not; you were so young. Well I never gave you a straight answer, but I’d like to tell you it now,” the man cleared his throat a second time; he wanted to tell it just right. “ The last time I cried was when you were born, when I picked you up for the first time, I looked into your eyes and thought, ‘Wow, this is my boy, my first son, my first born’ and then I began to sway with you in my arms. You began to cry and I sang a lullaby to you called “Golden Slumbers” to try to make you fall asleep,” the man sung the lullaby as if he was singing it to a new born baby. “Golden slumber kiss your eyes, Smiles await you when you rise. Sleep, pretty baby, do not cry, And I'll sing you a lullaby. Care you know not, Therefore sleep, while I o'er you watch do keep. Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry And I will sing…“ The voice cracked, and began to weep, and once again the rain drops began to fall from the sky.
    Paul, still looking into the sky, watched the rain drops fall upon his face, and he also began to cry. The craters began to rise and the water spilled out of the holes and began to run like the rivers down the streets.
    Paul, after crying for hours, eventually became weary and fell asleep face down on the ground as the rain fell upon his spine.

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