
Dreams and Lullabies- Part 2

    The paramedics pushed him into a room filled with lights that would make a man go blind, but not this man: he was dead. A doctor rushed into the room, followed by men and women in scrubs. They were pulling behind them many machines, fitting into the room so that they could try and to him.
    “Clear!” the doctor screamed, pressing hot iron like paddles onto his chest.
    “Again!” frantically screamed a woman in white scrubs, they had pointless little drawings of flowers and birds frolicking through a field.
    “Clear!” once again was shouted. A large amount of electricity ran through his body, jump starting his heart.
    “Got a pulse,” one of the nurses said, hooking him up to a machine that would keep his heart pumping.
    At that instant, a man and a woman rushed into the room, frantically looking from face to face. The woman cried out in the middle of the room for her son, then seeing the man lying on the table, she rushed to his side. She began to hug his body and kisses were thrown onto his face. Hands rushed to her, pulling her away from her son, because they were trying to put in tubes and wires. The man grabbed the woman and held onto her as tight as he could because if he didn't she would of pushed her way back to the injured man.
    “Give me my son!” she screamed tears and mucus rushing down her face.
    “What happened to him?” the man said holding onto the woman, who was also his wife.
    “His car was flipped on I-95, a passing car saw the whole thing happen and called 911,” said the doctor who had just finished saving their son’s life. “We will know more once you fill out some paperwork and we talk to the police.”
    With a nod of his head, the man pulled his wife away, out of the room of lights and into a room wear they would have to fill out some paperwork for the hospital. As the man filled out the papers at the front desk, the woman stared at her son’s lifeless body, tears soaking her blouse.
    “First things first,” the lady behind the desk said, “What is your sons name?”
    “Paul,” the man said as a single tear streamed down his face. 

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